Free IFS Workbook and Case Illustration
Personify and engage with the different aspects of your client's inner world with this FREE IFS workbook and case illustration. It will serve you as a guide to help release your clients from the pain of trauma, substance abuse, depression, and so much more.
Use this FREE worksheet to help clients decrease emotional reactivity and stress
Kate Truitt, PhD, MBA
Dr. Kate Truitt, author of Healing in Your Hands, explains the four fundamental steps of the CPR for the Amygdala® protocol and how it can help your clients show up for themselves in a loving, proactive way.
Free worksheets to see if moderation is possible for your clients
Amanda White, LPC
Amanda White, LPC, dives into the reasons why moderation is so difficult for clients who are trying to change their relationship with alcohol and what you can do to help them discover if they're ready for it.
Embrace even the most bizarre and far-stretching analogies to help build your client-therapist connection
Jennifer Udler, LCSW-C
Increase your creative license by embracing metaphors in outdoor-based therapy sessions—start with a few examples from Jennifer Udler, LCSW-C.
Free infographic to educate your clients on the differences between Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Kathleen M. Chard, Ph.D.
Although both strategies aim to assist individuals in recovering from trauma, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) each provide distinct routes towards healing and resolution. This printable resource will help your clients understand the distinctive approaches to trauma treatment to better understand a path forward.
Help clients manage their emotions with this DBT strategy
Andrew Bein, Ph.D., LCSW
Dr. Andrew Bein, a seasoned instructor with an energetic, hands-on approach to mindfulness-based practices and Dialectical Behavior Therapy education, shares the 5 steps of the Wise Mind Process to help clients identify, accept, and let go of the judgments that keep them stuck.
Watch this FREE demonstration and download the in-session worksheet to help clients deal with judgments
Andrew Bein, Ph.D., LCSW
Dr. Andrew Bein, a seasoned instructor with an energetic, hands-on approach to mindfulness-based practices and Dialectical Behavior Therapy education, demonstrates the Dealing with Judgment exercise.
We know anxiety is stressful, intrusive, and even all-consuming. But there are many effective ways to curb these feelings—and PESI’s got the guides (and card decks and flip charts and workbooks) to help you or your clients overcome anxiety!
Tips and tools that your clients can use to navigate this transition
Tracy Dalgleish, CPsych
Whether your kids are young, entering high school or leaving for college, back to school is a chaotic, stressful, and exciting time. Dr. Tracy Dalgleish discusses the challenges of transition periods, why you need to build interdependence, and 3 tips for staying connected.
Arielle Schwartz, PhD
Dr. Arielle Schwartz, author of the newly released Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery Flip Chart, shares how to incorporate the principles of polyvagal theory, affective neuroscience, and trauma-informed care into your therapy office.
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