Brenda Elliff, RN, MPA, ONC, CCM, LNCC, established Elliff Medical-Legal Services in 1996. As a legal nurse consultant, she assists on both plaintiff and defense cases. She performs record reviews, develops strategies and provides expert witness preparation. Her work involves Medical Malpractice, Worker’s Compensation, Personal Injury and a variety of legal cases. Previously, Brenda worked as a Health Care Coordinator for a large law firm and taught a Legal Nurse Consultation review course. Initially, she began working with attorneys on legal cases in California and has now expanded her scope throughout the Pacific NW.
Her clinical nursing experiences are vast and span 40 years. Brenda has worked as a staff nurse, as a nurse manager at major teaching facilities, as nurse case manager and as an adjunct nursing professor.
When not nursing, Brenda enjoys participating with a local performing group. The group has performed at the LA Christmas Parade, 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Parade in Honolulu and the Washington DC Cherry Blossom Parade. Past nurses who have attended Brenda’s programs have appreciated the dynamic and fun way in which she can deliver excellent clinical and legal information. She has been a sought-after speaker at national, state and local levels, on a variety of topics that draw from her areas of expertise.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Brenda Elliff maintains a private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Nonfinancial:Brenda Elliff has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.