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Rebecca Gould obtained her Masters degree in speech communication from Auburn University in 1977 and her Certification of Clinical Competence in 1978. She is the Director/Owner of MedSpeech Inc., Medical Speech-Language Pathologists of the Palm Beaches. She is very experienced in developing and directing programs in every aspect of SLP service delivery. Her expertise and certifications include Swallowing & Swallowing Disorders, Laryngectomy, Certified instructor of Alaryngeal Speech; Treatment of Airway disorders; Evaluation of Voice, Swallowing, and Neurogenic disorders with instrumental diagnosis/ competency in Videostroboscopy, Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS), Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), and Bio-feedback techniques. She is the adjunct professor for voice at FAU. She also directs the Voice and Swallow Center, Inc. a private, non-profit agency, dedicated to providing education, research, and prevention regarding voice, swallowing and airway disorders. Rebecca provides in-services and is available for training and mentoring individuals who wish to obtain competency in FEES and Videostroboscopy. Her CCC is current and she is licensed in Florida.