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John Grey, PhD, is a relationship coach, workshop leader and author. His specialty is leading intensive couples retreats. As his work is deeply informed by neuroscience and attachment research, he also trains psychotherapists in this newly emerging, highly-effective approach to couples therapy.

John received his Doctorate in Psychology in 1975 from Stanford University, where he was trained as a research psychologist. His training included the fields of neurobiology, behavioral and social psychology, perception and cognition, psycholinguistics, somatic psychology, developmental psychology, and attachment theory. John’s research examined how the brain processes musical sound. After getting his PhD, he cofounded and codirected Stanford’s world-leading Center for Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), acclaimed in the recent book This is Your Brain on Music. John’s research was supported by the National Science Foundation Department of Psychobiology. His studies have been published in scientific and professional journals, and cited in dozens of university textbooks. His work influenced the development of digital music technologies taken for granted today (out of which Stanford received one of the largest royalty incomes in history). The part he played in this is described in the new book The Sound of Innovation: Stanford and the Computer Music Revolution.