Treating Trauma in Neurodiverse Clients: Affirming and Culturally Inclusive Healing for Clients with Autism, ADHD & More

Brandi Walker, PhD, has an earnest desire to further what is known about ADHD and provide therapeutic expertise and researched-informed support to families that are impacted. She is a Howard University and University of Maryland alumni and an Army Clinical Psychologist and faculty member at Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, NC. Brandi is an active-duty Major who works directly with service member and their families, in addition to developing initiatives and collaborations that are in sync with the Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness programming.

Brandi has spent the last 7 years working with various hospitals, clinics and schools conducting research on children with ADHD, their family and various sleep variables, and environmental factors of influence. Dr. Walker’s community efforts entail collaboratively initiating the Prince George’s County (Maryland) CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHS) Chapter and CHADD’s Southern Regional Support Center. Brandi also focuses attention and advocacy to diversity, inclusion, equity, and intersectionality awareness training and practices. She serves as acting chair and chair past of the Diversity in the Military Committee, of the APA’s Society of Military Psychology and also serves as the ECP (early career psychologist) on the Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Sub-Specialties in Professional Psychology (CRSPPP) of the APA.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Dr. Brandi Walker has employment relationships with Henry Jackson Foundation for Advanced Military Medicine, Howard University, and Marie Pauline Consulting. LLC. She receives a consulting fee from Power AHEAD Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Walker receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. All relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations have been mitigated.

Non-financial: Dr. Brandi Walker is the co-executive officer for CHADD Southeastern Regional Support Center. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the National Children and Adults with ADHD Association, the Certified Rehabilitation Counselors Commission, the American Massage Therapy Association, and the National Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.