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Product Detail

The Ultimate Peter Levine Collection
Package - Video & Book
$591.88 USD
Currently Unavailable
Product Details
Package - Video & Book   Instructions
7 Seminars on DVD (15 hours, 36 minutes) & 1 Book: 384 pages
PESI Publishing & Media
CE Available:
Yes, See CE credit tab for complete continuing education details
Product Code:
[+] [-] 044400 - Peter A. Levine Full Interview - Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
  • Describe somatic psychotherapy for treating traumatic disorders - specifically Levine's own Somatic Experiencing
  • Explain the current trauma paradigm, including the clinical necessity for addressing and treating the body when working with trauma
  • Apply somatic techniques to calm the body and amygdala as preliminary work for processing traumatic memories

[+] [-] 046460 - Peter Levine PhD on Trauma: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
  1. Articulate the four major developmental stages that increase vulnerability to trauma and how to recognize them in your clients.
  2. Determine the naturalistic mechanics of trauma and survival responses of flight, fight, freeze and collapse as it relates to clinical treatment.
  3. Discover the evolutionary underpinnings of trauma and the Polyvagal theory and their clinical implications.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of “Bottom-Up” processing versus “Top-Down” processing to improve treatment outcomes.
  5. Analyze the effects of stress on somatic and emotional syndromes in clients.
  6. Incorporate Dr. Levine’s simple containment tools in order to more effectively engage your client in trauma therapy.

[+] [-] 047035 - Healing from the Bottom Up: How to Help Clients Access Resource States with Peter Levine
  1. Assess physical cues of internal states that indicate the resources clients can access to improve clinical outcomes.

[+] [-] 047370 - How the Living, Sensing Body Resolves Trauma, Establishes Safety and Restores Resilience: Clinical Implications
  1. Differentiate between the multiple systems involved in explicit and implicit processing
  2. Utilize “bottom-up” processing to help patients resolve traumatic experiences
  3. Help their patients access the felt-sense experience of the “deep-self “in stabilizing traumatic processing

[+] [-] 050870 - Finding Freedom From Pain: Solving The Complex Puzzle of Trauma & Pain
  1. Identify 5 types of trauma involved in the treatment of pain
  2. Practice two self-regulation skills that can help with physical, emotional, and trauma-related pain
  3. Practice two techniques to work with various reactions related to fight, flight, and freeze responses that maintain chronic pain
  4. Practice two strategies to shift bracing and constriction patterns in the body that contribute to pain
  5. Demonstrate how unresolved past trauma can be released to reset the nervous system and heal pain

[+] [-] 050925 - Somatic Psychotherapy
  • Describe somatic psychotherapy for treating traumatic disorders; specifically Levine's own Somatic Experiencing
  • Apply somatic techniques to calm the body and amygdala as preliminary work for processing traumatic memories

[+] [-] 044400 - Peter A. Levine Full Interview - Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Achieving Discharge from the Freeze Response
  • Trauma and the Body

[+] [-] 046460 - Peter Levine PhD on Trauma: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Child Development: The Signs of Trauma in Each Developmental Period

  • Pre-Natal
    • Hormonal interactions between mother and child
    • Birth Stress
  • Year One
    • Safety, affection and containment
    • Proprioceptive development
  • The Dopamine System
    • The space to explore one’s effect on the world
    • The formation of a self that is different from Mom and Dad
    • Testing boundaries
  • Age 3-5
    • The Biology and balance of shame
    • The importance of shame in society
    • The signs of overshaming
    • The signs of undershaming
  • The initial forays into sexuality
    • The importance of flirting
    • How these sames stages replay themselves out in later life

The Naturalistic Mechanisms of Trauma

  • Understanding our primary survival tactics and how they play out in the body: Flight, fight, freeze and collapse
  • 500 million years of evolution: Our Polyvagal underpinnings
    • How the Dorsal Vagal System is related to shutdown and collapse
    • Fight or flight: Sympathetic/adrenal System mobilization, Returning to the our Mammalian birthright: The Ventral vagal system and social engagement
  • How we get “stuck”
    • Tonic immobility - The fallback to freeze
    • Freeze couples with Fear
      • Dissociation
      • Bracing and terror
      • Euphoric dissociaton
    • Collapse
  • Somatic and emotional - syndromes and complexes
    • Emotional – anxiety, depression
    • Somatic – chronic pain, fibromyalgia
    • Autonomic – migraines, irritable bowel

    Resolving Traumatic Reactions

    • The importance of “Bottom-Up” processing
      • The Paul MacLean’s Triune Brain-
      • In an Unspoken Voice
    • Somatic Experiencing©
      • Renegotiation vs. Reliving.
        • Restoration of self-regulation
        • Somatic experience of trauma
        • Developing internal awareness
    • The basic stages of trauma treatment
      • Containment of strong sensation and emotion
      • Pendulation – The dual opposites of sensation
      • Titration – going gradually
      • Completion
        • Renegotiation of active for passive responses
      • Allow things to settle: Self-Paced termination
    • Simple exercises that you can use in your practice

    Spirituality and Trauma

    • Incorporate client’s spirituality into trauma work
    • Help reinforce trust and acceptance in clients
    • The importance for clients to maintain balance in life

    Limitations of Research and Potential Risks

    [+] [-] 047035 - Healing from the Bottom Up: How to Help Clients Access Resource States with Peter Levine
    • Master the SIBAM model for systematically observing clients' nonverbal responses.
    • Guide clients in "riding the waves" of their sensations as they exit from their immobility response and experience release from their original trauma.
    • Titrate your interventions to maximize your impact and avoid retraumatizing vulnerable clients.



PETER A. LEVINE, PHD Peter A. Levine, PhD, holds doctorates in both medical biophysics and psychology. The developer of Somatic Experiencing®, a body-awareness approach to healing trauma, and founder of the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, which conducts trainings in this work throughout the world and in various indigenous cultures, with 26 faculty members and over five thousand students. Dr. Levine was a stress consultant for NASA on the development of the space shuttle project and was a member of the Institute of World Affairs Task Force of Psychologists for Social Responsibility in developing responses to large-scale disasters and ethnopolitical warfare. Levine’s international best seller, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, has been translated into 22 languages. His recent interests include the prevention of trauma in children, and he has co-written two books, with Maggie Kline, in the area: Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes and Trauma-Proofing Your Kids. His most recent book: Trauma and Memory: Brain and Body in a Search for the Living Past, was recently released to rave reviews. Levine’s original contribution to the field of body psychotherapy was honored in 2010 when he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). Levine was also honored as the recipient of the 2020 Psychotherapy Networker Lifetime Achievement Award.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Peter Levine is the founder and president of the Ergos Institute of Somatic Education, the president and editorial director of Ergos Institute Press, and receives a consulting fee from the Meadows Addiction Center. He receives royalties as a published author. Dr. Levine receives a speaking honorarium, recording, and book royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Peter Levine is a senior clinical fellow and advisor to the Meadows Addiction Treatment Center. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Humanistic Psychological Association, and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.


Maggie Phillips, Ph.D., lives and works as a clinical psychologist in the Oakland Hills above the San Francisco Bay. As the author of numerous papers and articles on trauma, dissociation, ego-state therapy, hypnosis, and mind-body healing, she specializes in the treatment of traumatic stress and pain disorders. Dr. Phillips is author of Reversing Chronic Pain, Finding the Energy to Heal, Healing the Divided Self, and Body-Focused Therapy Can Help Restore Mind-Body Health.
Continuing Education Credits Awarded for Completion of Entire Package
[+] [-] Combined Continuing Education Credit From All Components
Breakdown of Continuing Education Credits by Components
[+] [-] 044400 - Peter A. Levine Full Interview - Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
[+] [-] 046460 - Peter Levine PhD on Trauma:
[+] [-] 047035 - Healing from the Bottom Up: How to Help Clients Access Resource States with Peter Levine
[+] [-] 047370 - How the Living, Sensing Body Resolves Trauma, Establishes Safety and Restores Resilience: Clinical Implications
[+] [-] 047795 - Clinical Demonstration: Transforming Trauma - Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing
[+] [-] 050870 - Finding Freedom From Pain: Solving The Complex Puzzle of Trauma & Pain
[+] [-] 050925 - Somatic Psychotherapy
[+] [-] 082380 - In An Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
Counselors, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Psychologists, Addiction Counselors, Nurses, Psychotherapists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Case Managers, School Psychologists, Other Helping Professionals, Nurses and other Mental Health Professionals, Other Mental Health Professionals