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Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox + Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook
$59.98 USD
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PESI Publishing & Media
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Daniel J. Fox, PhD, is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and multiple-award winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 20 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence. He has published several articles and books in these areas and is the author of the award-winning Narcissistic Personality Disorder Toolbox, The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Personality Disorders, the award-winning Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook: Treatment strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders, The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook, and Complex Borderline Personality Disorder.

Dr. Fox has been teaching and supervising students for over 20 years at various universities across the United States, some of which include West Virginia University, Texas A&M University, University of Houston, Sam Houston State University, and Florida State University. He works in the federal prison system, is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Houston and maintains a private practice that specializes in the assessment and treatment of individuals with complex psychopathology and personality disorders. Dr. Fox has given numerous workshops and seminars on ethics and personality disorders, personality disorders and crime, treatment solutions for working with clients along the antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality spectrum, emotional intelligence, managing mental health within the prison system, and others. Dr. Fox maintains a website of various treatment interventions focused on working with and attenuating the symptomatology related to individuals along with the antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality spectrum ( Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Daniel Fox maintains a private practice and has employment relationships with the Federal Detention Center and the University of Houston. He receives royalties as a published author. He is a reviewer and editor for Prentice Hall and Worth Publishing. Dr. Daniel Fox receives a speaking honorarium, recording and book royalties from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Daniel Fox has no relevant non-financial relationships.


Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D., is one of the most sought after educators in North America in the area of CBT and personality disorders. Over the past 15 years he has developed and overseen CBT based Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder treatment programs at two different psychiatric hospitals serving over 3,000 clients at multiple levels of care. Dr. Riggenbach trained at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia, is a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and has presented in all 50 United States, Mexico, and Canada on topics related to CBT, DBT and Personality Dysfunction.

Dr. Riggenbach has authored two best-selling books, The Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Toolbox: A Workbook for Clients and Clinicians (PESI, 2012) and Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox: A Practical Evidence-Based Guide to Regulating Intense Emotions (PESI, 2016), which was Amazon’s #1 new release in its category. Jeff is known for bridging the gap between academia, research findings and day-to-day clinical practice, and his seminars on DBT, CBT, and Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy receive the highest evaluations in terms of clinical utility as well as entertainment value.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Jeff Riggenbach has an employment relationship with Brookhaven Psychiatric Hospital. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Nonfinancial: Jeff Riggenbach has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.
Continuing Education Credits Awarded for Completion of Entire Package
[+] [-] Combined Continuing Education Credit From All Components
Breakdown of Continuing Education Credits by Components
[+] [-] 083610 - Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook
[+] [-] 084425 - Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox
[+] [-] 083610 - Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook
“Full of concrete tools to make successful progress in treatment! The research provides a great foundation for the use of the materials and Dr. Fox has pulled from multiple resources to create tools clinicians and clients can both use to promote wellness and growth. I have found that the use of the workbook can be applicable in nearly every session I have with someone battling with a Cluster B personality disorder. After applying the concepts in this workbook I have found that Cluster B clients are not the same beasts in treatment that they were in the past.”
Susan Barris, PhD

“Insightful for the therapist and easy-to-use with clients. The worksheets are very effective in assisting with a more accurate diagnosis of Cluster B personality types and, even more importantly, understanding the therapists own responses to the client (recognizing countertransference/treatment issues). This workbook is also helpful when needing to incorporate more tangible and structured treatment approaches into therapy. The DBT worksheets are easy to follow and use “client friendly” language and concepts.”
Meagan N. Houston, PhD, SAP

“The collection of exercises for the clinician and the client are practical, useful, and empirically driven. This is a well written, easy to read, and thorough guide providing a framework and a level of confidence for the clinician facing the challenges of treating severe personality disorders.”
Kristy Dromgoole, PhD

“This rich resource assists the clinician in avoiding errors in diagnosis that can often occur when working with clients with complex symptom presentations. Dr. Fox presents the material in a straightforward, easy-to-digest, manner that can be appreciated and utilized by all practitioners. Clinicians, regardless of their training background or theoretical orientation, will find this to be an invaluable resource in the diagnosis and treatment of Cluster B personality disorders."
Mary Madison Eagle, PhD

“Dr. Fox's passion for this subject shines through in the workbook format. This workbook can serve as both a reference and a helpful tool for gathering information. Dr. Fox’s style of writing is clear and concise. I was able to take in the information quickly and see how useful the worksheets could be.”
Kristin A. Lue King, MSW

"Personality disorders are common in clinical practice, but helpful resources are not. Dr. Fox answers the call with a workbook that will deepen your understanding of the assessment and treatment of Cluster B personalities, with a dedicated emphasis on handouts and worksheets that guide therapy and provide a catalyst for change. Enthusiastically recommended!"
Lane Pederson, PsyD, LP, DBTC, author of The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual

[+] [-] 084425 - Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox: A Practical Evidence-Based Guide to Regulating Intense Emotions
Many people who struggle to acknowledge the presence of BPD traits in their lives continue to suffer needlessly. In the Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox, Dr. Jess Riggenbach explains this diagnosis clearly and offers a variety of skills from evidence-based approaches for treating it. This toolbox is a must-have for mental health professionals, people with BPD traits and their family members." --Randi Kreger, Author, Stop Walking on Eggshells and The Official Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder, Founder,

"Written in clear user-friendly language, and drawing on vast research literature, beautifully summarizes what is known about BPD and how it can be effectively treated. Comprehensive in approach, it is an excellent resource for patients, clinicians, and families." Joel Paris, MD Author, Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice, Editor, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry

"Borderline Personality Disorder Toolbox is a must-have comprehensive guide to understanding and managing BPD. Dr. Riggenbach's step-by-step accessible strategies will help the reader obtain empirically valid powerful tools to cope with Borderline Personality. This uniquley helpful guide will be an essential resource for both clients and their clinicians alike."Leslie Sokol, PhD, Distinguished Founding Fellow, Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Fellow, ABCT, Co-author, The Think Confident, Be Confident Workbook for Teens

"Being asked to see a patient who has been diagnosed as having a Borderline Personality Disorder is enough to frighten even the most skilled and experienced clinician. Following Aaron T. Beck's notion of the "Continuity Continuum," Riggenbach describes and discusses the recommended treatments for various levels of Borderline, from mild to severe. This is a volume for every front-line therapist regardless of their professional discipline." Arthur Freeman, EdD, ScD, ABPP, Co-Author with Aaron Beck, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Chair, Department of Behavioral Science, Touro College, NY

Dr. Riggenbach’s toolbox incorporates much practical gear for dealing with the vulnerabilities of borderline personality. He incorporates elements of several therapeutic approaches to develop functional strategies for regulating these challenges. These tools help all those experiencing the demands of BPD to build and sustain more stable relationships.
Jerold Kreisman, MD, Author of I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality and Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder