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Product Detail

Private Practice Essentials Kit
Package - Video & Book
$234.98 USD
Currently Unavailable
Product Details
Package - Video & Book
CE Available:
Yes, See CE credit tab for complete continuing education details
Product Code:
[+] [-] 045525 - Smart Business Strategies & Solutions for the Clinician:
  1. Discover how to create or re-create a business specific to your needs and interests as a clinician.
  2. Explain effective organization and management strategies that are thorough, efficient and improve clinical quality.
  3. Identify networking, marketing tools and pathways designed for creating and maintaining client referrals.
  4. Discuss how to increase reimbursement and work cooperatively with managed care.
  5. Identify programs and services outside traditional therapy and discuss implementation into your clinical setting.
  6. Integrate strategies to increase revenue and manage your finances to secure your future professionally and personally.
  7. Create an individualized business plan for ongoing practice growth and development.

[+] [-] 045525 - Smart Business Strategies & Solutions for the Clinician:
Personalized Business Plan for New or Existing Practices
  • Prepare your individualized plan
  • Mission Statement & tagline
  • The Four Cs
  • Services
  • Administration
  • Financial management & growth
  • Organization and management
  • Diversification
  • 5 keys to efficiency

Smart Marketing & Referral Generation
  • Choose the clients you want to work with
  • Referral wheel
  • How and where to get clients
  • Easy networking opportunities in your community
  • Build your online presence & searchability
    • Build a strong website
    • Integrate social media
    • Market yourself in online directories
    • Client retention strategies
    • Case examples and videos

Strategies to Improve Reimbursement
  • Work with managed care
  • Healthcare reform and implications
    • Legislation
    • Impact of affordable care on your practice
    • New methods for integrating healthcare reform
  • Insurance panels: benefits and drawbacks
  • Verify benefits/authorizations
  • Claims & billing
  • Re-credential
  • Rate negotiation
  • The value of working with managed care
  • Diversification of your services

10 Secrets to Increase Revenue & Secure Your Future
  • Professional support networksv
  • Financial management strategies
  • Protection through insurance
  • Legal entity protection
  • Comprehensive business plan
  • Multi-tiered diversification
  • Risk yields confidence
  • Power of mentorship
  • Avoid burn out
  • Transparency and integration



Howard Baumgarten, MA, LPC, has nearly 25 years of clinical experience and is an expert on how to successfully merge high standards in mental health care with solid business principles. He has served the Denver area with a successful private practice for 15 years, learning first hand many of the “secrets” to a successful business. While maintaining his full-time clinical practice, Howard consults with new business owners in the field of mental health practice, provides training programs across the country and is the author of Private Practice Essentials: Business Tools for Mental Health Professionals (PESI, 2017).

As the former director for Westside Behavioral Care, Inc., he helped recruit, manage and build one of Colorado’s largest private group mental health practices. Since 2005, he has lectured at the University of Colorado’s Graduate Counseling Program, teaching a course on the establishment, development, and maintenance of clinical practice.

Howard warms his audiences with creative solutions and practical advice, sharing his experiences, with energy and humor!

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Howard Baumgarten maintains a private practice. He is employed by the University of Colorado. He sells websites and services for TherapySites, LLC and receives compensation. He is a speaker, who receives an honorarium, for Cigna Behavioral Health. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Howard Baumgarten has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
Continuing Education Credits Awarded for Completion of Entire Package
[+] [-] Combined Continuing Education Credit From All Components
Breakdown of Continuing Education Credits by Components
[+] [-] 045525 - Smart Business Strategies & Solutions for the Clinician:
[+] [-] 084900 - Private Practice Essentials
Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Nurses, Case Managers, Addiction Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Psychologists, Physical Therapists, and other Behavioral Health Professionals